5K for lung cancer research

Life has been complicated and unbloggable. However, my health remains good. I keep having one clean CAT scan after another.

I’ve been working up to running a 5K, using the Couch to 5K running program. I am very slow (some people walk faster than I run), but kind of excited that I can now run slowly for almost 30 minutes continuously. It helps me with anxiety, stress, and sleep. It gets me outdoors in the fresh air. I marvel at being able to breathe that fresh air.

My goal is to complete the Philadelphia Free to Breathe 5K on Sunday, November 2. If you’d like to sponsor me, run with me, or walk, please click on the link below!


About Irene Elizabeth (Beth!) Stroud

Queer suburban mom, graduate student, lung cancer survivor, card-carrying United Methodist.
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4 Responses to 5K for lung cancer research

  1. Congrats on the clean scans! And good luck with the run.

  2. CraigB says:

    I just nominated you for a “Lovely Blog Award.” You can check out the nomination at my blog: http://craigblower.wordpress.com/2014/10/20/october-20-2014-mon-lovely-blog-award-nomination/

  3. Dann Wonser says:


    It’s contagious! I also nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. See http://dannscancerchronicles.blogspot.com, February 9th entry. Now, time for you to get back to writing about how you are thriving!

  4. Great blog with lots of very useful information! thanks for sharing…..

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